Excerpt 8

We’re headed back underground. Of course. No romps through enchanted forests, no subtle intrigue in floating castles. No, both the evildoers and their treasure remain down in the deep dark.

More specifically, in Saruun Kell which is a sort of underground town beneath Thunderspire mountain. We have several reasons this time, although now that the shrieking in my head is back I’m no longer sure they’re sound.

#1) there’s a 1000gp reward to either stop the Duergar abductions or return with proof that they have stopped. In case I suffer a bout of amnesia let me get all this down — the astute reader will remember our Blood Reavers and their Chief Krand whose friendly note we intercepted in the keep on the Shadowfell. Krand spoke then of his “Duergar allies under Thunderspire mountain”, and how those allies were always looking for fresh humanoid captives. Based on the troubling frequency with which merchants and travelers have continued disappearing from Thunderspire and its environs, one wonders what exactly the Duergar are doing with all these people. Worlds largest Nentir square dancing pageant no doubt. Horrible stuff. Must be stopped. The motion is carried.

#2) Valthryn is eager to hear any firsthand info, artifacts, carvings etc, of the ancient ruins around and beneath Saruun Kell. He’s promised to teach us a pretty high level ritual if we can satisfy some of his curiosity. Nobody else seems quite as interested as myself in picking up a high level ritual. I feign surprise at their lack of feigned interest.

#3) Get out of Fallcrest for a while. It was only a matter of time before this crew stirs up trouble there, so this is a good thing.

#4) personal just for me — the ancient ruins below Thunderspire mountain are really not that far from certain other ancient ruins under, say, the Old Hills. I’m hoping for some leads or some history or both.

The history we know so far — apparently after a rich and risky period of dungeoneering, the top level of Saruun Kell was cleared out about 20 years ago by a group calling themselves the Mages of Saruun. Now there’s a reasonably safe area called the Seven Pillar Hall. Apparently it has a permanent market. If you believe the besotted ramblings of Fallcrest barflies, there is also a permanent tavern. Oh and some shrines. Erathis and Ioun. Could be worse.


Well we left Fallcrest in company with a caravan that was returning to Hammerfast empty (so they say), but we only travelled with them a day and a half. Midday on the second day we cut away north towards Thunderspire. The path was relentlessly uphill, cobbled after a while, but always steep. After a bit we came upon huge and ancient statues of minotaurs flanking us, and then not long after that the path went under and through an ancient arched entrance 50 feet tall. Ah, the dank. As ever, the shrieking witch, aware of my return below ground, fills my head with a constant stream of improbably cruel elven curses.

After a while the passage sloped down and narrowed. We passed magical sconces at regular intervals and at the beginning some strange demon statues as well. A while after there were no more statues but there were various side passages to both left and right. We continued straight. We heard noises ahead. Reavers discussing what to do with a captive. Someone in the party (who shall remain unnamed, at least in this chronicle) had an idea which seemed fabulously clever and turned out to be cheerfully pointless. To make a long story short our blades are wet again, our cloaks mildly bloodstained, and we’ve rescued a halfling called Rendell Halfmoon. He told us no doubt a great many interesting things but one of those things was the nearby existence of his family’s tavern, the Halfmoon Inn. At least until I get used to the shrieking again, I find it difficult to focus on anything else.

Writing is a thirsty business. I’ll write more later.

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